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April 2013, Volume 63, Issue 4


Family Planning in Pakistan — Moving Evidence to Programmatic Action

Fariyal F. Fikree

Extensive debate on the focus of family planning programming in Pakistan continues, often ignoring the fundamental argument for a strategicevidence based approach to addressing the underlying determinants of poor performance — a slowly increasing trend in contraceptive prevalence rate, continuing high unmet need — during the past 50 years. The emphasis seems to have always been on demand side creation with limited attention given to supply side as eloquently described in Adnan Khan\\\'s article in this issue.1 The most feasible next step is a more concerted effort on improving supply side dete

Family Planning in Pakistan: Applying What We Have Learned

Adnan Ahmad Khan  , Ayesha Khan  , Wajiha Javed  , Hasan Bin Hamza  , Mejzgaan Orakzai  , Aliya Ansari  , Khadija Abbas

Despite six decades of government and private sector programs, CPR in Pakistan is among the lowest in the region. This article reviews published and grey literature to understand why despite sufficient time and usually sufficient funding, CPR remains low in Pakistan. This paper looks beyond the usual factors of quality of services, coverage and supplies and management issues to examine how family planning may be improved in Pakistan.
Based on analysis of the Pakistan Demographic Health Survey 2006-7, the public sector provides around a third of FP services, while NGOs and private providers another 15%. More than half of

From Contraceptive Prevalence to Family Planning Service Users: Implications for Policy and Programmes

Adnan Ahmad Khan  , Khadija Abbas  , Hasan Bin Hamza  , Ahmed Bilal  , Ayesha Khan

Introduction: Contraceptive prevalence rate (CPR) is a widely accepted measure of maternal health and uptake of family planning (FP) services. However, the overall CPR obscures the actual utilization of FP services due to over-representation of long-term methods. This study used CPR from 2007 to arrive at and compare the number of actual number of women who availed different FP services in order to understand issues and gaps in FP services in Pakistan.
Methods: This study used secondary data from the Pakistan Demographic and Health Survey 2006-7 estimate the CPR and modern method mix for 2007.These were the

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