Fatema Jawad , Sanjay Kalra
Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM),1 by definition, is a condition which is recognized during gestation, and which (ideally) should resolve after delivery. How then, can a "gestational" condition be managed before conception or after completion of pregnancy?
Levels of Prevention
In the context of diabetes care, prevention and management are two overlapping terms.2 Primary prevention of diabetes is another label given to the management of pre-diabetes. Similarly, secondary prevention of diabetes and timely management of glycaemia are synonyms.
Diabetes is now a global epidemic. In 2015, an estimated 415 million people, corresponding 1 in 11 worlds\\\' adult population had diabetes. The number is expected to grow to 642 million by 2040, corresponding to 1 in 10 adult populations.1
Diabetes can be hard on women. Studies have shown that the burden of diabetes on women is unique because the disease can affect both mothers and their unborn children. Diabetes can cause difficulties during pregnancy such as a miscarriage or a baby born with birth defects. Women with diabetes are also more likely to have a heart attack, and at a younger age, tha
Basic Sciences and Preconception
Diagnosis and Monitoring
Metabolic Management
Metabolic Complications
Obstetric Management
Post Delivery Management
Public Health

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